Home Design Projects


Interior Decorating to Home Design to Project Management

Interior Decorating, as noted before, is Unchalee’s second passion. Jewelry designers and interior decorators share many of the same traits which include a good eye for design, color, texture and materials. Unchalee owned a fairly large crystal business in the past in Thailand which supplied a wide variety of nice crystal chandeliers to hotels, restaurants and private residences. This lead to interior design work as owners would often ask her advice on how to enhance the look of their property. Unchalee has traveled extensively throughout the USA, Europe, the Middle East and Asia searching for unique decorator items to complement her design ideas. Once again, her slogan is, “You dream, we design”

In 2021, Unchalee and her husband Steve decided to move back to Thailand. Unchalee wanted to build her “dream house” for retirement in Thailand. Her parents left her land in Pathumthani and most of her family all live in that community so Steve told her to “Do it”. Anyone who knows Unchalee also knows that she is a quick learner and not afraid to tackle any task. She spent days, weeks and then months organizing her thoughts and ideas on paper creating her own floor plans, etc.. She engaged three different architects who all wanted to sell her their ideas and designs and not listen to her ideas. She fired each one and finally found a very nice architect / engineer who listened to her, took notes, called her back and responded quickly to her questions and requests. She hired him. This enabled her to design what she wanted. Once construction started, Unchalee moved back to Thailand to work closely with the architect and his construction team almost as the onsite project manager. Toward the middle of the project she actually took over that responsibility with the help of her brother-in-law and other family members. She admits that it was not easy and it definitely was a learning process but it was all worth it to be able to get exactly what she wanted. This experience was invaluable and will enable her to continue helping other people so that they will not share all of the frustration and problems that go along with building or remodeling a new house.